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rely on one中文是什么意思

用"rely on one"造句"rely on one"怎么读"rely on one" in a sentence


  • 靠自已的努力


  • Geneen disliked relying on one perspective as the means for giving him the whole picture .
  • And you should be able to rely on one another when you ' re in the weeds
  • A gimmicky or imbalanced team relies on one powerful tactic to win
  • And the more intimately involved people become , the more they rely on one another
  • To get the right help at the right time , you can rely on one or all of the following help components
  • You can design your own client or rely on one of the two test clients that rational application developer provides
    您可以设计自己的客户程序或者依赖rational application developer提供的两个测试客户程序中的一个。
  • With people ’ s requirement to multi - sensor data fusion system performance becomes higher and higher , it can not achieve the requirement only rely on one fusion method
  • Nonetheless , users who want to run x86 linux binaries on a macintosh or any other non - x86 machine may well rely on one of the currently available x86 emulators to try to get it running
    虽然如此,想要在macintosh或者任何其他非x - 86机器上运行x86 linux二进制程序的用户,为了尝试运行程序,可能要完全依赖于某种当前可用的x86模拟器。
  • Today , the competition is fierce , huabao bird ' s company as before relies on one ' s own advantage , innovate constantly , improve the product specification , improve the service level of the products , achieve more glorious results
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"rely on one"造句  
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